Sunday, July 20, 2014

Maple Lawn Street Festival

Whew.  I can't believe that it is already the middle of July!!  Over the Fourth of July holiday we headed up to Mimi and Pop's house in Ohio so we could meet our new (born in January) niece who lives in Iowa.  It was great catching up with my brother and his wife and I'm so glad we could spend some time with baby Jessie Mae.  She's a cutie!

Last weekend we went to the annual Maple Lawn Street Festival.  We are so lucky that we live walking distance from such a wonderful little area full of little shops and good places to eat!  This is the third year we've been to the festival and we have had a great time each year!  

Zachary was excited to be riding like a "big boy" in his stroller!

And it really is VERY difficult to to get two kids under two to smile for the camera at the same time!!

The festival always ends with fireworks at the end.  Zachary seemed to enjoy was unfazed by the fireworks.  Jonathan on the other hand was really quite unsure whether he liked them or not.  He was excited about them... until they started.  Then he cried a bit... Then towards the middle seemed to enjoy them... then at the end, was a little unsure.  He was trying to hide and watch them at the same time. 

The Terror or Excitement of a Two Year Old and Fireworks.
Overall, we had a great night of good weather, hamburgers, ice cream, and fireworks.  It's definitely a tradition we'll keep doing.

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