Well, I think the last time I attempted to blog, the Esposito's were just a party of three... well, now I'm trying this whole blog thing again- as Esposito's: Party of Four!!
As you may be able to tell from the title, we had another little boy. Zachary Campbell Esposito surprised us on February 7, 2014 almost three weeks early! He seemed pretty teeny at 7lbs 1oz, but absolutely perfect!
The adjustment went well- with much thanks and help from our family members and friends. Even big brother Jonathan is doing well. He definitely loves his little brother and makes it his mission to make Zachary laugh at him. (Denise at
Newborn Daydreams did our Newborn pictures- just like she did with Jonathan. You can check out Zachary's pictures
Jonathan is always asking to hold his little brother and then wants me to take pictures of him doing so. While Jonathan is playing Zachary is right there watching and giggling at him. Jonathan always makes sure Zachary has at least two toys within in reach to play with-- and is even sharing his trains with him! I am so enjoying watching them together- especially as Zachary is getting older and more interactive. I can tell he already loves his big brother and looks up to him.
So, back to this blog thing again... Looking back at my childhood, my favorite memories are from the times we spent as a family. I am constantly searching for local "adventures" to do with our little family around the area- in hopes that Jonathan and Zachary will have wonderful family memories just like I do. Since Jonathan is only two and Zachary... well, he's only five months old now... it changes the focus on the kind of activities we can do now-- but I am soo lucky that we live in an area with sooo much to do for both young and older kids! The blog will be a way to share our adventures with you and maybe someone else that happens along the blog!
I've also become quite addicted to this little thing called Pintrest. It has been encouraging me to step outside of my comfort zone in the crafty world (and even helped talk my husband into getting me a $200 cutting machine!). From room decoration ideas, to furniture refinishing, and even birthday parties- I'm excited to show you my crafty success stories-- and probably just as many failures!! :)
Well that is all for now. I have to get started on my first adventure post! Stay tuned!